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Image Model No Description Brand
BP001 Refurb
GME BP001 high capacity two way radio battery refurbishment. Suitable for use with GME TX6200 & TX7200 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 1700 Your Price: $114.27
High capacity battery suitable for Motorola Mobile Phones (I500, I500 Plus, Manhattan, Memphis) and Motorola Two Way Radios (CP100, T7000, Talkabout T7200, XTN Series) MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 1600 31 15 104 Your Price: $71.66
Consumer Digital Camera Battery MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 3.7 1050 35.3 53.2 7.1 Your Price: $45.00
Insert battery pack suitable for Icom Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 7.2 500 29 29 87 Your Price: $51.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Icom IC-3 Two Way Radio MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 8.4 750 26.5 30.2 56.6 Your Price: $43.95
Insert battery pack suitable for GME Electrophone TX475S Two Way Radio MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 9.6 600 47 32.5 51 Your Price: $104.95
Insert battery pack suitable for GME Electrophone Two Way Radio MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 9.6 600 51 28.5 51 Your Price: $102.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Icom IC-5 Two Way Radio MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 10.8 600 51 28 51 Your Price: $67.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Icom IC-A2, IC-H2, IC-H6, M5 Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 13.2 600 51 28 65.5 Your Price: $78.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Icom IC-A2, IC-H2, IC-H6, M5 Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 8.4 2700 31.3 50 67 Your Price: $85.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Icom IC-2SA, IC-2SE, IC-3SAT Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 7.2 300 Your Price: $51.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Uniden UH055 Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 9.6 600 46 28.8 50 Your Price: $57.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Uniden UH056, UH057 Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 7.2 700 51.5 27 52 Your Price: $60.95
Insert battery pack suitable for Uniden ZA-032 Two Way Radios MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 10.8 600 Your Price: $59.95
Scanner & Data Terminal battery and two way radio battery suitable for Intermec/Norand, Motorola, Shinwa MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 1000 17.2 50.6 57.5 Your Price: $39.95
Two Way Radio Battery suitable for Oricom PMR1200, PMR1280 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 800 41.4 11.2 47.4 Your Price: $59.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Midland MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 6 700 43 18.2 54 Your Price: $54.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for GME GX660 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 1700 36.7 51.5 19.4 Your Price: $98.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden UH040, UH042, UH044 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 3.6 1700 46 50.4 15 Your Price: $66.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden Bearcat Scanner MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 4.8 700 39.1 28.9 49.5 Your Price: $58.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 9.6 2000 58 17.4 133.4 Your Price: $97.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2000 54 18 120 Your Price: $138.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 53.03 121 24 Your Price: $104.26
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom IC-F50, IC-F60, IC-M87 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2270 56 15 91 Your Price: $119.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 53 21 92 Your Price: $126.50
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden Bearcat Scanner MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 1700 39.3 26.8 49.3 Your Price: $49.90
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom IC-F9011 / IC-F70 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 3240 61.77 121.58 21.60 Your Price: $204.21
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom IC-F3001 / 4001 / T70 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 58.91 104.1 35.02 Your Price: $110.99
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom IC-F3001 / 4001 / T70 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 59.6 105.2 22.4 Your Price: $93.52
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom IC-ID31A, IC-ID51A MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 1900 58 88.6 17.5 Your Price: $122.65
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 700 41 11 45 Your Price: $45.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 3.6 730 30.7 11 46.3 Your Price: $49.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden UH810, UH810S, UH820S MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 3.7 1500 36.70 9.60 59.20 Your Price: $24.21
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden MHS155UV Handheld Floating Waterproof VHF / UHF Radio MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 960 Your Price: $93.59
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Icom IC-A22, IC-A3 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 12 1000 56.9 34.8 73.6 Your Price: $119.90
Two Way Radio battery compatible with Vertex & Yaesu FNB-83 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2000 57.3 17 95 Your Price: $112.70
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Vertex & Yaesu VX-230, VX-231 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 56.9 90 21.3 Your Price: $119.90
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Vertex & Yaesu FT60, FT60R MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2000 58 16.5 95 Your Price: $60.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Vertex & Yaesu MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 54.5 89 27 Your Price: $112.40
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Vertex & Yaesu VX-351, VX-354 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 56.3 99 21 Your Price: $95.90
Two Way Radio battery suitable for GME TX650 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 3.7 990 29.3 50.1 6.5 Your Price: $65.00
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio Battery suitable for Motorola GP320, GP328 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 60.2 123.5 26.2 Your Price: $200.47
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio Battery suitable for Motorola GP320, GP328 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 60.3 123.2 26 Your Price: $192.56
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2000 25.2 123.4 59.7 Your Price: $114.90
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 25.2 123.4 59.7 Your Price: $112.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2270 59.6 18.8 123.1 Your Price: $114.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola GP350 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 62.8 141.5 21.6 Your Price: $108.67
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola GP88, GP300, GTX series MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2000 56.5 18.4 140 Your Price: $139.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola EX500, EX600, GP388, GP388 Plus MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2270 55.5 20.07 91.5 Your Price: $130.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola TalkAbout T5000, T6000, T8500, T9500 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 3.6 700 43.8 15.6 50.8 Your Price: $40.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola SX700R, SX709, SX709R, SX710 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 700 42 11 45 Your Price: $39.00
Two Way Radio Battery MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride 3.6 700 33 11 45 Your Price: $39.90
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Kenwood TK2100, TK2100K2, TK3100, TK3100K2 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 1650 59.8 19.8 109.8 Your Price: $58.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Kenwood TK2100, TK2100K2, TK3100, TK3100K2 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2100 59.6 20.05 110 Your Price: $101.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Kenwood FTH1010, TK2140, TK2160, TK3140, TK3160, TK3170 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.2 2000 55.7 16.2 99 Your Price: $114.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Kenwood TK2200 series, TK3200 series MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 1600 54.1 17.7 114.4 Your Price: $95.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Kenwood TK2180, TK3180 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 57.3 118.2 22.5 Your Price: $122.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Kenwood TK2200 series, TK3200 series MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 1900 54 114.5 17.5 Your Price: $96.80
Mobile Computer battery suitable for Motorola MC3200, MC32N0 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 3.7 5200 44.8 80.3 22.2 Your Price: $105.32
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Binatone MR250 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 800 11 45 41.4 Your Price: $39.90
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola XTS3000, XTS5000 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 58.8 21.5 156 Your Price: $192.56
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola APX6000/7000/8000, SRX2206 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 4600 60 130.5 41.6 Your Price: $320.89
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola APX6000/7000/8000, SRX2200 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 60.5 86.5 41.7 Your Price: $189.64
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola APX1000/2000/3000/4000 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2300 55.4 114.5 20.7 Your Price: $195.46
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola XTS1500, XTS2500 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 59.8 123.2 26.2 Your Price: $192.56
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola HT600, HT800 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 10 19.5 66.7 35.7 84.5 Your Price: $85.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.5 2700 58.9 21.9 151.5 Your Price: $113.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola Visar MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.5 2100 57.3 21.7 102.9 Your Price: $100.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MTP200, MTP300, XTS3000, XTS3500, XTS4250, XTS5000 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.5 2700 58.8 22 154 Your Price: $137.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MTP200, MTP300, XTS3000, XTS3500, XTS4250, XTS5000 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.5 4000 58.8 22 156 Your Price: $145.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola XTS2500 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 56.30 22.70 157.00 Your Price: $134.30
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola CP250, GP88s, GP308 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2500 60 123.3 22 Your Price: $149.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola MotoTRBO DP3400, DP3600, DR3000 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 1550 57 129.5 21.8 Your Price: $199.00
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola XPR6500, MotoTRBO DGP4150, DGP6150, DP3400, DR3000 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2500 55.1 129.5 21.8 Your Price: $199.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola DP2400 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2300 54.9 114.3 20.6 Your Price: $199.00
IMPRES™ Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola DP4000, DP4600, TRBO, XPR3000, XPR7500 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2300 55 119.5 31.5 Your Price: $249.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Motorola CLP/DLR/SL range MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 3.7 1800 35.4 9.6 53.6 Your Price: $59.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Audioline PMR Easy 012, Oricom PMR1000, Switel WT237 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 4.8 730 11 45 44 Your Price: $59.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Sepura Tetra STP8000, STS8000 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 1880 51.8 83.8 18 Your Price: $155.06
Two Way Radio battery suitable for HME Tempest 2.4GHz Beltstation MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 3.7 1800 43 15.6 52.25 Your Price: $0.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Ericsson Cougar, Panther, Tait TOPB400, TOPB500, TOPB800 MI Battery Experts Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) 7.2 2000 61.1 23.9 115.6 Your Price: $114.95
Two Way Radio battery suitable for EADS TPH700 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 1900 36.3 105.2 14.3 Your Price: $150.73
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Tait TP8100/TP9300 MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion (LiIon) 7.4 2600 118.3 58.7 36.7 Your Price: $129.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Uniden Sundowner UH053 MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 7.2 700 42.4 29 51.4 Your Price: $88.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Baofeng BF-F8 PLUS, BF-F9 V2 + HP MI Battery Experts Lithium Ion Polymer (LiPo) 7.4 2600 126.78 53.72 29.30 Your Price: $0.00
Two Way Radio battery suitable for Shinwa SH403 MI Battery Experts Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) 9.6 600 64.7 19.9 142.1 Your Price: $70.95